Today's Reading: Genesis 37
Genesis 37:4 (ESV) "But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peacefully to him."
Sitting in the back seat of the car, smashed between my two older brothers, I wished I could disappear. "Denise never gets in trouble like we do! She is spoiled!" My brothers' various escapades and choices caused me to become the rule follower in the family. I did not want to get into trouble, and this bugged them to no end.
While Joseph might not have been the rule follower of his family in the Bible, he certainly was spoiled. Joseph was one of the youngest sons and was favored by his dad. Because of the favoritism, Joseph's brothers hated Joseph, so they decided to do something about their brother. (Genesis 37:4) They plotted to kill Joseph but sold him into slavery instead; God had plans even in this.
Sibling rivalry is one of the first recorded sins, ultimately because of the position one sibling had over another. Cain murdered Abel due to Abel's favor. (Genesis 4:5-8) And in the New Testament, the brother of the prodigal son in Luke 15 was angry because his brother didn't get what he had coming to him.
If we are honest, the green-horned monster of jealousy darkens our own minds when we compare and covet someone else's portion or position. But striving for a position does not bring us what we long for: God's favor. Positions in families, places of work or social settings are ultimately for God's purposes, not man's.
God's sovereignty overrides man's purposes. In the story of Joseph, we see God's providence and promises unfolding despite dismal circumstances. And we see Jesus.
We see the humiliation and the exaltation of Joseph, who is ultimately a type of Christ:
Joseph was a beloved son. (Genesis 37:3) So was Christ. (Matthew 3:17)
Joseph's brothers were jealous of him. (Genesis 37:4, 18). Jesus' brothers were jealous of Him. (John 7:3-5)
Joseph was sold as a slave. (Psalm 105:17) Jesus took the form of a slave. (Philippians 2:7)
Jesus walked where Joseph walked and where we walk. With joy, He chose to walk through suffering, knowing it meant the salvation of souls. (Hebrews 12:2)
We have a Savior who understands, and we never escape God's notice or plan.
Through Joseph we learn to look past the here and now. Whether we're in or out of favor, it is all for God's plan and purposes, which always have to do with more than just us. (Genesis 50:20)
Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to love others in our lives, we will not be accepted simply because of our position. Yet God always uses the hardship we suffer in this life, redeeming it all as a mission for His perfect plan.
Prayer: Lord, please help me to trust You when others do not accept me because of my position. And when I am in favor with others, may I use it for Your glory, not mine. In Jesus' name, amen.
Family is where we are shaped. Our position in our own family order can become part of our identity. But despite the trials and struggles that family can bring, no family dysfunction can thwart the purposes of God. Read More