Welcome to MatthewFoundations
Why Is This World So Chaotic?Foundations
All About the AuthorFoundations
The Structure of MatthewFoundations
Parables of Jesus Found in MatthewFoundations
Cultivating the Soil for PeaceFoundations Weekend
When the Ending Doesn’t Seem HappyDay 1 - Psalm 89
Fulfillment PersonifiedDay 2 - Matthew 1
Away From the MangerDay 3 - Matthew 2
The Great ReconcilerDay 4 - Matthew 3
Overcoming TemptationDay 5 - Matthew 4
God is With UsWeekend Teaching
The Blessed LifeDay 6 - Matthew 5:1-12
God Doesn’t Grade on a Sliding ScaleDay 7 - Matthew 5:13-48
The Daily Cure for a Heavy HeartDay 8 - Matthew 6:1-18