Why Study JudgesFoundations
Biblical Context of JudgesFoundations
Historical Context of JudgesFoundations
Tidying Up Messes From ForgetfulnessFoundations
In Case You Were WonderingFoundations
Gifts Of The Spirit Can Be Messy?Foundations Weekend
Total Commitment RequiredDay 1 - Judges 1:1-27
The Problem With Partial ObedienceDay 2 - Judges 1:28-36
Seeing Clearly Through ConsequencesDay 3 - Judges 2:1-10
What if I’m Not Sorry?Day 4 - Judges 2:11-23
Why Him?Day 5 - Judges 3:1-11
What You See Is What You GetWeekend Teaching
More Than Meets the EyeDay 6 - Judges 3:12-31
Available, Obedient and VictoriousDay 7 - Judges 4:1-24
Stop, and Let Me Tell You!Day 8 - Judges 5:1-11