40 Days Through the Bible
40 Days Through the Bible
Start This Plan
What Our Souls are Truly Longing ForFoundations
Longing Starts in the HeartFoundations
Longing for Pure Spiritual MilkFoundations
Longing for PurposeFoundations
The Truth About Who we AreFoundations
Foundation Week to 40 DaysFoundations Weekend
Created for PerfectionDay 1 - Genesis 1-2
Sin Doesn’t Get the Final SayDay 2 - Genesis 3
Bad News, Good NewsDay 3 - Genesis 6
Come, Build and Make Day 4 - Genesis 11
From Hollow to HallowedDay 5 - Genesis 15
Walking with GodWeekend Teaching
The Freedom and Goodness of ForgivenessDay 6 - Genesis 50
Called to FreedomDay 7 - Exodus 1
I Just Need… SomethingDay 8 - Exodus 3